Home Contact


Email Us: MPC Vancouver is peer-facilitated and volunteer-run. You can contact the current members of the Caretaking Committtee (Dzung, Casey, Nghia, and Thay Phap Hoan) at: mindfulnessvancouver@gmail.com. We don’t check this email account every day and are not always able to respond to emails quickly, so thank you for your patience!


Join Our E-Mail Listserve: All sangha members and practitioners are welcome to join our free e-mail listserve on Google Groups. This is a free and unmoderated listserve, so anyone can join and/or leave the listserve at any time. Any member of the listserve can send a message to the whole listserve. The intention of the list is to share discussions and announcements that are specifically related to sangha events and practice.

To join the listserve, click on this link , and then click the option to subscribe or join the group. You’ll need a (free) Google account to join, which can but does not have to be linked to a gmail address. After you’ve joined the group, please review your email delivery settings to make sure you receive the emails (e.g., “Notify me for every new message” or “send daily summaries.”) If you don’t select the email delivery setting that you want, you may not receive the emails on the listserve. Click here for information on email delivery settings.  Click here and here for more general information on Google Groups. If you’re having any difficulty joining the listserve, please email us at mindfulnessvancouver@gmail.com, and we’ll do our best to assist.


Join our Facebook Group, and connect with the sangha and share about your practice there.  We’ll post occasional sangha-related news and announcements there as well.


Join our Meetup Group, where our gatherings will be announced.