

UPDATE FOR JANUARY 12, 2025 Sangha Gathering, 6:30 – 8:30pm, In Person at REACH

Dear Sangha,
Our in person gatherings (on the second Sunday of each month, 6:30 – 8:30pm) are at the REACH Community Health Centre in East Vancouver. For details, see http://mindfulnessvancouver.org/practice/.
The sangha is very grateful to the REACH Community Health Center for hosting us, and we invite all members of the REACH community (clients, staff, neighbors) to join us!
  • Address: 1145 Commercial Drive, Vancouver BC V5L 3X3.
  • Please arrive no later than 6:35pm, so that we can let you in the building on time. The building will be locked and not accessible for those arriving late.
  • To Bring: Your own cushion, mat, blanket, pillow, or other materials to make your meditation as comfortable as possible. Chairs will be supplied, but we will not have cushions or mats available.
  • Masking is requested to protect the health of our sangha members
  • Being Mindful About the Use of Scents: Please practice kindness for those with sensitivities to scented products by refraining from wearing perfumes and similar scented products when practicing with MPC.
  • Practicing Generosity: We will share any donations (optional) received 50/50 with REACH Community Health Centre.

“Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.”

– Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life






Welcome to the Mindfulness Practice Community of Vancouver. We are inspired by the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh.

Mindfulness is being aware of what is going on: in our bodies, in our feelings, in our minds, and in the world. When we are not aware of the present moment, our mind may be occupied with memories of the past or thoughts of the future. Quite often, such mental activity can result in a quality or feeling of dissatisfaction, unease or discontent. By being absent to what is happening in the present moment, we are absent to our lives which are only lived in the present moment.

Cultivating mindfulness involves being aware of where our attention is and training our mind to pay attention to the present moment. In the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, we pay attention to the breath, the inhalation and the exhalation, to bring us back to the here and now. When we pay attention to the present moment, we may find – among other things – a richness and peace in the simple act of being present.

Mindfulness of the breath is a simple meditation technique which anyone can do. It does, however, require practice in order to establish a strong continual presence. Mindfulness and meditation have proven very beneficial for one’s mental, emotional, and spiritual health. We aspire to be inclusive, and invite you to join us regardless of age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity!

Our Mission

“Dwelling in the present moment, we practice mindfulness and engaged Buddhism in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh.”

Vision Statement

“We practice engaged Buddhism in our lives, in the meditation group (sangha) and in the community. We work for the well-being of people, plants, animals and the earth. Our practice includes meditation, deep listening and loving speech. We focus attention on mindfulness (non-judgemental awareness) and cultivating states of peace and compassion within ourselves and in our relationships. We offer service where there is real need. Our community is accessible for all people who wish to join us at our meditation evenings, retreats and other events.”

Our Regular (Twice-Monthly) Gatherings: 2nd & 4th Sunday of Each Month, Unless Posted Otherwise

Click here for information on our regular gatherings for community mindfulness practice. Updates and cancellations will be posted at this website, on our MPC listserve, our Meetup group, and our Facebook Group.